About Us

Welcome to the website! Glad you could make it. We are a website dedicated to covering football news, statistics and much more.

What you can expect is a lot of posts covering the latest football related stories, weekly matchday roundups and interesting transfer rumors. We are planning on covering the top leagues, a bit about the rest of the world, UEFA competitions and of course international tournaments, such as the FIFA World Cup!

Generally, our posts will be categorized in these groups:

  • Site Information
  • Weekly Roundups of the top leagues
  • Transfer News
  • Match Reports
  • Competition Updates
  • Squad Analysis
  • Player information

This is the first version of the website, you can expect a lot of development over the upcoming time period, including possible design changes. We are planning on extending the website’s content into different areas, such as providing advanced statistics and different tools for our users to try!


  • Interactive features
  • Advanced player statistics
  • Live results
  • Site redesign

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