A major blow to UEFA and FIFA: Top EU court strikes down Super League ban

UEFA’s monopoly over European football is over, according to the European Court of Justice.

In a major blow to UEFA, the ECJ ruled that the organization’s rules requiring new competitions to be subject to its prior approval, and banning players from taking part in those competitions, were illegal.

The court also found that UEFA and FIFA’s exclusive control over the commercial exploitation of the rights related to those competitions were such as to restrict competition.

The court’s ruling is a significant victory for the Super League project, which aims to create a new, breakaway competition for Europe’s top clubs.

“We’ve won the right to compete,” Bernd Reichart, CEO of A22 Sports, which backs the Super League, said. “UEFA’s monopoly is over. Football is free.”

UEFA said it is confident that its new rules will comply with European laws and regulations.

The Super League project initially involved 12 clubs, but nine of them withdrew after facing fierce opposition from fans, politicians, and other stakeholders.

Real Madrid, Barcelona, and Juventus have remained committed to the project, and they are hopeful that it can be relaunched in the near future.

The case is likely to have a major impact on the future of European football.

It remains to be seen whether the Super League will be able to gain traction, but the ECJ’s ruling has certainly opened up the possibility of a new era for the sport.

Proposed Super League compared to Europa League/UCL: