Updates to the Starting Eleven Builder

Good news everyone, we have updated our Starting Eleven Builder! Here’s what changed!

You can now name your team! This option can be disabled, if you are looking for a more clean look on the pitch.

The stripped kit style has been redrawn AND we have added horizontal stripes as well. This change might not look like a lot on the first glance, but the whole method of drawing the pattern has changed.

Other changes:

  • We have changed the base font. Instead of Arial, we are going to be using Verdana.
  • Some options are now “hidden” under an Additional Options button.
  • The default pitch style is now the one with the horizontal pattern.
  • Removed border from text on the pitch, which caused some funky looking letters to appear.
  • More formations have been added
  • Textual changes in the description

Thanks for reading! If you have any feedback/suggestions, don’t hesitate to CONTACT US!