Starting 11 Builder Updates – 08.12


We have updated our Starting 11 Builder once more. Here are the changes!

The size of the pitch has been changed to make it more social media friendly and to make player names fit better. Twitter and Instagram didn’t like the aspect ratio we used, so we have increased the width of the pitch and decreased the height. The aspect ratio is now close to 4/5, which is ideal for social media.

We also had an issue with the player names overlapping way too often, which shouldn’t be an issue anymore.

Added an option to show the kits without any text on them.

Other changes:

  • Reordered players by position in the player list on the right.
  • Moved kit text shadow toggle to “Additional Options”
  • Kit text option is now a dropdown instead of a radio.
  • Player position will be shown on pitch instead of number by default

That’s all for now! Stay tuned though, more goodies are coming. Don’t forget, you can visit the Starting 11 Builder HERE.

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