Site update – August 2022

Hello nice people! It’s been one whole week since we’ve launched. Time flies when you are having fun, huh. We are here to share a couple of updates regarding the website.

Non-stop content!

Over the course of last week, we have relesead a total of 13 articles, this being the 14th! We are obviously very proud of this achievement and we want to release a lot more. We have lots of ideas, which we will make sure to implement.

Our most popular article is the one on Real’s formation after Casemiro, while the most underrated ones are on Barca’s transfer window, our first Matchday Roundup and of course, the cream de la crop, our report on last week’s transfers. Make sure to give them a read!


We are on Instagram! Please follow us here: We are planning on updating our profile regularly, with the latest posts from our website and other entertaining content. Don’t forget to follow us on Twitter and on Facebook.

Related Posts section

We have implemented a “Read more” section under every article. We are hoping this will keep our readers engaged.

Server Migration

Sometimes in the very near future, the site will be migrated to another host. This will not change anything for our viewers, however it might cause some downtime. We will keep you updated on our socials!