Site Update – Design, Twitter and sharing

Dear lovely visitors of G:F, we have some small, but exciting news to share!

First of all, our Twitter handler has changed. This is the new handler:

Secondly, we have updated our design. In fact, we have updated small, but rather important parts of the design, namely the header and the left sidebar. We have decided that it is time to embrace a bit more mature look, we are hoping you will like the changes.

Another addition to the website is that now, you have the possibility to share the article you are reading (and hopefully enjoying) directly from the article itself! Make sure to smash those buttons whenever you feel like it!

As you might have noticed, we are working on a series of articles regarding the transfer window that just closed. Do not worry, part 3 is on it’s way! It might not come tomorrow, but it will come. Please read the released parts here:

Part 1 – Free Transfers

Part 2 – Players over 50mil

Also do not forget to check out our UCL Fantasy League! Join here to join: CLICK

Don’t forget our socials:



Facebook: Facebook/GenerationFootball1

Instagram: Instagram/GenerationFootball1

Thank you and enjoy the week!

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